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Easy to Adopt Habits That Can Drastically Improve Your Heart’s Health

Do you know what the #1 cause of death worldwide is? It’s none other than heart disease. And even though many of us are aware of this fact, we seldom take steps towards ensuring our heart health.


Unsplash | The best things we can do to keep our hearts healthy are eating right, getting good physical exercise, and controlling underlying conditions

The most important things that we can do to keep our hearts healthy are eating right, getting good physical exercise, and controlling underlying conditions like cholesterol and blood pressure. It’s proven that we can prevent a majority of heart diseases just by changing our lifestyle, and just those three habits can contribute massively towards this goal.

Additionally, what are some other things we can do to keep our ticker going strong? Let’s find out.

Read – Uptick in Cardiovascular Deaths Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Stay away from secondhand smoke.

Studies suggest that if you’re highly exposed to smoke at your workplace or your residence, the risk of developing heart disease increases by 20-30%. Due to the chemicals from the cigarette smoke, plaque develops in the arteries, ending up inviting several health diseases. So always try to be firm with smokers even if they’re within your family. Tell them that you care about your heart and lungs and thus don’t want to be in a smoky environment.


Unsplash | Studies suggest that if you’re highly exposed to smoke, the risk of developing heart disease increases by 20-30%

Get enough sleep

In today’s busy world, most of us take sleep for granted. But the fact is that if your body doesn’t get the rest it needs, then no matter what your health habits are or what your age is, your risk of developing heart diseases increases by many folds.

When you sleep too little, you trigger several unnoticeable health conditions while also disrupting biological processes. This increases the risk of altered blood pressure and inflammation. So, always try to have at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

Read – Nightly Sleep Habits May Affect Risk of Heart Disease in Older Adults

Practice good dental hygiene

Surprised that dental hygiene impacts your heart health? Well, that’s what the recent research has found. People who have gum diseases are at a higher risk of developing heart disease as well. The bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease can move up to your circulation and thereby causing inflammation in blood vessels. So make it a habit to floss or brush your teeth daily to ward off gum diseases as well as heart diseases.


Unsplash | Recent research has found that people who have gum diseases are at a higher risk of developing heart disease

Summing it up

February is American heart month, and it’s a good time to identify the various risk factors of heart diseases that you might have overlooked. If you feel any symptoms of heart disease, we recommend that you talk to your doctor as soon as possible because treatment becomes a lot easier with an early diagnosis. All and all, follow these tips, and you will be doing a favor to your heart. Stay active and have a heart-healthy life.

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