Funny Gym Photos Of Workouts That Went Hilariously Wrong

A Weighty Matter

Here is yet another woman spotting the shortest shorts paired with heels and lifting weights. While we haven’t seen any woman in heels photographed holding a bar with weights up high, they all look like they are accustomed to lifting, and it’s the same case for this woman.

This woman has a pair of stilettos on, and we shudder at the thought of all the things that could go wrong. The part of the floor where she’s standing also doesn’t look all too safe, but let’s just hope that she nailed the lift without any accidents.

The Rest Of The Bar Won’t Lift Itself

Lifting weights might seem like something effortless, but we know that it’s all in the details. The heavier the weights, the more muscle power you have to muster, and this guy looks like he was caught in the middle of a losing battle. 

It doesn’t look like he is dealing with an incredibly heavy set, and perhaps that’s why he’s working out; he needs to build the strength on his left arm. It’s a reminder that everyone starts somewhere, and his well-defined upper arms show that he’s put in some serious work.

A Helping Hand?

Couples have invaded training establishments, and for them, it’s all about working towards building an enviable physique. You would forgive a couple who turns to such an eyebrow-raising move, but it appears like this is a trainer and trainee.

There’s no explanation why a trainer would resort to sitting on their client’s laps, even if it’s pushing them to keep their legs grounded or finish another set; it’s just all kinds of wrong. There are more appropriate ways to help the client achieve their goals, but the guy doesn’t look like he had anything to complain about.

When You Ask A CrossFitter To Babysit

We won’t get into the safety of it all, but this guy looks like he has a lot of his hands. He’s a dad who loves CrossFit, and he figured he could squeeze in time in his busy schedule to workout. The baby looks well-entertained, and it looks like he just killed two birds with one stone.

We can see that he also has good form, and he’s breaking a sweat showing how much work he’s putting into it. We don’t recommend that anyone tries this at home, but it’s admirable to see a dad babysitting in a rather creative way.

Lifting With Heels

If you thought that deadlifts are tough, you should try them with stilletoes. Although it’s a common practice to put some elevation under the soles of your feet to get a better hamstrings stretch and a greater range of motion. However, some experts will advise against this pracice due to increased risk of injuries.

But this lady seems comfortable with her footwear choice, and it doesn’t look like it’s her first time lifting in a pair of six-inch heels. While it looks cool, she would be better off doing this movement barefoot or in sneakers.