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Is Your Joint Pain Making Everyday Chores Challenging? Understand Its Root Cause First

Each one of us has at least once in life faced joint pain and body ache. But how many understand why it happens? More importantly, how many of us do something about it?


Unsplash | Several people experience back and joint pain but seldom try to understand why it happens

When running through bucket loads of chores day in and day out, most of us ignore the little signs of distress our bodies send us. Acute pain in the joints is one of them. Believe it or not, more than half of the people suffering from such pain ignore it, thinking it will go away on its own. Some even refute it under the impression that it’s hereditary. Only when the pain becomes so severe that their movement becomes restricted does such people realize the situation’s graveness.

To be fair, some forms of joint pain really are a fault of our genes (Psoriatic Arthritis and Septic Arthritis, for instance), but every ache in the body isn’t. Therefore, before the situation elevates to a level where it can’t be controlled, understanding and taking preventive measures is necessary.

Who usually gets affected by joint pain and why?

Studies have shown that as high as eighty percent of the entire population, irrespective of their age group, experiences back pain at some point. But the likelihood of people involved in heavy-lifting and extreme sports suffering from such pain is quite high. The bones and joints in their musculoskeletal systems tend to wear down with repetitive movement, sometimes even in trauma to the tissues and nerves, which causes joint and back pain.


Pexels | People involved in heavy lifting are often prime sufferers of joint and back pain. So are people with no movement and excessive weight

Though completely opposite to this, people who are excessively inactive (typical of people involved in desk jobs) are also prone to recurring pains in the back and joints. By staying sedentary, such people do protect the skeletal system as compared to manual workers, but the lack of muscular use can lead to issues like atrophy and reduced mobility, which can eventually lead to pain.

The third category of people who fall in the affected group are those afflicted by obesity. Putting on too much weight can lead to musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, particularly in the knees and hips.

A healthy balance of movement

Balancing the amount of movement you subject your body to holds the answer to the recurring body and joint aches.

While heavy workers may not be able to shun their work completely, taking breaks to relax the muscles or engaging in light corrective exercises can help with repairing the damage. Similarly, people who are involved in jobs that restrict their movement should make an effort to put some level of physical stress on the body.

Getting active can help regulate blood flow to the parts of the body that really need it. However, it’s important to not go overboard with extreme workouts; rather, incorporating moderate exercises which move the joints like shoulders, neck, arms and legs should be sufficient.


Pexels | A routine of moderate exercise and a nutrient-rich diet can strike the right balance

What about supplements?

In addition to balanced exercising, you should follow a nutrient-rich diet that doesn’t include inflammatory foods like processed meat and very sweet content. Sticking to foods and supplements that enrich you with vitamin D, fish oil, calcium, and cod oil is recommended.


When experiencing a difficult medical situation, we naturally seek help from doctors. While that’s the best course of action, many times, there are measures which we can take on our own. Exercising, having a healthy diet, and staying away from stress are things that we can all do to stay away from a majority of health issues.

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