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Did You Know About The 6 Dimensions Of Wellness?

When people think about wellness, positive physical health comes to their mind mostly. However, there’s a lot more to it than just physicality. The concept of spiritual and mental well-being is also a part of wellness. It is a comprehensive perspective that reaches way beyond the normal concept of health toward physical, spiritual, and mental well-being, aiming and achieving positive lifestyle factors like gratitude and success. 

Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels | Wellness encompasses every aspect of your life that has room for positivity


In 1976, a man named Bill Hettler founded the 6 Dimensions of Wellness. However, these days people only have 1 or 2 dimensions. There are a minimum of 7 dimensions of wellness, and we will discuss them in this article. We have researched and collected all the interesting and fascinating data about this topic and are ready to entertain you with it. So, keep reading!

What Exactly Is Wellness?

The National Institute of Wellness defines it as a state of mind in which people actively make choices towards awareness to become aware of a more positive and successful existence. They also agree that wellness is affirming and positive; it is a deliberate, independent, evolving process of attaining full potential. 

Andrea Piacquad/Pexels | Wellness is living an encompassing and holistic lifestyle

The Dimensions Of Wellness

The founder of the dimensions of wellness created the entire phenomenon in the form of a hexagonal model. According to him, the activities and attributes embraced are the following:

  1. Physical: this measures the degree to which one is mindful of the benefits of consuming a healthy diet, and takes good care of their cardiovascular health. 
  2. Spiritual: the commitment to find out the purpose and meaning of a human’s existence in this world; it is a profound appreciation of the natural forces of the universe and a gaping awareness of the expanse and depth of life. 
  3. Intellectual: a person who, very smartly and carefully, avails the most out of given resources to expand their skills and knowledge; it measures the degree to which one seizes stimulating and creative activities.
  4. Social: how much of a role one plays in contributing to his or her society; this is the dimension that focuses on a person’s connectivity with other people as well as the natural world. 
  5. Emotional: This dimension focuses on how the individual is aware of and accepts their own feelings; the degree of enthusiasm and positivity about one’s life. 
  6. Occupational: the measure of satisfaction from work and the sum of the enrichment associated with it. 

Oleksandr/Pexels | Do you agree with these dimensions of wellness?


The hexagonal model was first created within the environment of a college campus at the University of Wisconsin for implementation as the program aimed for improved well-being.

However, later the National Institute of Wellness adopted this model as well. 

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