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Thinking of Getting Family Therapy? Here’s What You Need to Know

Struggles are a normal part of every family. Conflicts arise, tragedies happen, and you get one too many curveballs than you would prefer. Weathering the storms without professional help can be exceedingly difficult – and that’s where family therapy comes in.

Deposit Photos | Family therapy can really help members come together as a solidified unit

If you’re looking to strengthen your familial connections and get through tough times in a constructive and positive way, family therapy is your best bet.

What Is Family Therapy?

As the term makes obvious, family therapy involves psychological counseling by a licensed marriage and family therapist or a clinical social worker. It helps members come together to navigate difficult situations, resolve conflicts, or even just improve communication.

Family therapy works to pinpoint systems or patterns on a larger scale that cause issues between members. Not only does it help improve familial relationships but it also contributes to improving the mental health of family members. Additionally, it is noteworthy that the term ‘family’ doesn’t only involve blood relatives and is more of an umbrella term for everyone who plays a long-term supportive role.

Shutterstock | Constant arguments and conflicts take a significant toll on younger members of the family

What Are the Different Types of Family Therapy?

The following are the primary types of family therapy you can opt for:


Systemic Therapy

This form of therapy views power as an unconscious fact that leads to problems within the family. The core of systemic therapy focuses on the meaning behind family members’ behaviors and gauging unconscious communication. The therapist maintains a distant and neutral approach, letting family members dig deeper into the unconscious elements causing issues.

Structural Therapy

This type of family therapy focuses on adjusting the family system to make sure that the parents are always in control, which thereby helps strengthen the family unit too. Adults are required to set appropriate boundaries, helping children with behavioral or emotional issues learn how to align with the family system.

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Strategic Therapy

Strategic therapy is much more direct and brief in the sense that results become apparent in a short period of time. The therapist assigns family members “homework” to alter the way they interact with one another, especially the member having the “problem.” The assignments help the therapist understand the underlying problems and then teach the family to communicate and make decisions more productive.

Wrapping It Up

Seeking family therapy takes a lot of courage and is worth celebrating. Sure, you’ll be scared at first but, as long as you trust that it’s what’s best for your family, hold on to the belief that you’ll come out on the other side stronger as one unit.

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