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Feeling Unfocused & Mind-sluggish? Here’s What You Can Do

Meet Delia Lewis, a marketing strategist from New Jersey. Three months into the pandemic, she started feeling sluggish and foggier (more than usual) at her workstation. She would sit down at her home office and begin scrolling through random things despite answering work calls and emails. And the strangest part is that that wasn’t it! 


Mental Health America/Unsplash | A condition related to anxiety disorders, brain fog results in lack of clarity and mental fuzziness

Her downfall started when a simple task that used to take 10 minutes started taking an hour instead. Not only this, she used to sit on calls with her manager and had to note down every single detail (even the minor ones) because she had started forgetting stuff out of nowhere. What was happening to her? Delia had no idea she was going through brain fog, a phenomenon very few recognize. 

If you’ve felt like you know Delia or have been in her shoes, this post is for you.

What is brain fog?

Brain fog is one of the definite outcomes of anxiety disorders. In simple words, it describes a lack of clarity and mental fuzziness. Though it’s pretty common, brain fog is a condition on its own. And here comes the scary part – it gets worse with time! When you’re dealing with brain fog for a longer time, there are chances you might experience mental and physical exhaustion, lack of motivation, difficulty in concentration; the list is quite long. 


Alex Green/Unsplash | If you’re dealing with brain fog for a longer time, there are chances you might experience mental and physical exhaustion

Now, if you think a happy-go-lucky person can’t get trapped in anxious thoughts, well, you might be wrong, pal! Even if you don’t focus on these thoughts (actively), they often still run in your subconscious mind and might contribute to some physical symptoms, like upset stomach, dizziness, and fatigue. Brain fog caused by anxiety makes it hard to get things done, but it also makes you feel anxious about the things happening in the present. 

Now, the concern is, is there anything that can be done in order to reverse brain fog?  The answer is – a big YES!

Invest your time in things you enjoy

Have you ever paused to think about what causes stress in your life? When a lot is going on around you, there are high chances of you feeling burdened. Most people don’t even know how to deal with their responsibilities half of the time. Don’t worry, we feel you! All you need to do is spare out some extra time from your schedule and invest it in yourself. Be it anything – skincare, yoga, playing video games – anything that works as a stress buster. Indulge yourself.


Daian Gan/Unsplash | Curb the stress in your life through activities that calm you, like painting, music, skincare, or anything similar

Even if you spare 15 minutes of your busy day to perform an activity you love, you’ll see a great difference in your mental health, and your thoughts will become a lot clearer. 

Bottom line

TBH, brain fog can also lead to serious mental health conditions like depression if the early symptoms aren’t recognized and acted upon. So, if you feel low, it’s best to talk to a professional. Remember, you’re not alone. 

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