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Study Finds Blood Clotting Issues Could Happen to The Pandemic Affected

You must count yourself extremely lucky if you haven’t been affected by the pandemic virus that has claimed over 210 million people globally. But if you have caught it and are recovering, then this is an important article for you

Regardless of whether it’s in the form of a mild fever, cold, or cough, the effect of this virus is bound to show up later in the future. A majority of those affected recover within a few weeks, but quite a few continue to experience further symptoms post-recovery. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease and Prevention), those who’ve been through the virus should expect experiencing a wide range of new or returning health problems later on. 


Sharon McCutcheon/Unsplash | A study has found that people who have recovered from the pandemic virus are likely to experience a range of symptoms afterwards

Presently, a new study by researchers from RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Dublin has found out that patients recovered from the virus show higher measures of blood clotting, which also explains issues such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and palpitations. 

The discovery of higher blood clotting in affected patients

To get a clear understanding of the symptoms developed post-pandemic, over 50 people who were affected by the virus were observed for a period of 68 days. The data collected clearly indicated that the clotting markers were higher in their blood as compared to a healthy group of people. Though the clotting markers were higher for those patients who were hospitalized, it was also high for the patients that stayed at home. 

That being said, experts believe that it’s still too early to make a significant correlation between the effects of the pandemic and the possibilities of higher clotting. Nevertheless, it’s important to try and find these links and relations to get a clear understanding of how to treat the patient from the after-effects of the pandemic. 


SJ Objio/Unsplash | Researchers have discovered higher chances of blood clotting to develop in patients who were hospitalized due to the virus

Timeline and symptoms post-pandemic 

Speaking about the exact symptoms post-recovery, ex-patients can experience them a few weeks or even months after the infection. The most common long-term symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, lingering loss of taste and smell, and anxiety. It is still uncertain how many of those affected will continue to experience these symptoms in the future. For now, the factors of blood clotting can be used to identify the patients that are most likely to face them. 

Moreover, due to the rise in mutations from the original strain, younger patients are likely to have further long-term health effects. The strain tends to activate the body’s natural clotting pathways in the tissues, causing significant inflammation. According to doctors, there are only a few treatment options available for those with future complications, and most of these issues will sort themselves out with constant monitoring. 


Jair Lázaro/Unsplash | Experts say constant health monitoring can help patients overcome post-pandemic symptoms

Bottom Line

We know that after reading all the facts, you might feel a little uneasy. But rest assured, there’s absolutely no need to panic. Yes, there is a possibility that those affected by the virus may face complications in the future, but with advancements in the medical field, better treatment options will be available. 

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