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Symptoms That Indicate You’re Suffering From High Stress

Stress is inevitable. It catches up to the best of us sooner or later, and that’s why it’s crucial that we learn how to deal with it. Not only does it give us a dull or frustrated mood, but several other effects such as headaches, fluctuating pulse, acne, uneasiness, and lack of sleep are also associated with it, and they can take a huge toll on our bodies.


Pinterest | High levels of stress can adversely affect our minds and bodies

Now, while every individual reacts to stress differently, many times, identifying and accepting that the issues we’re experiencing are because of stress, becomes difficult. We might think we’re just having a headache or the occasional pimple, but it’s important to recognize the signs and address them before the issue escalates.

To help you keep an eye out for stress, we’ve compiled a list of the common symptoms associated with it here. Have a look.

Read – Expert tips to relieve stress

Change in appetite

When stressed out, people either eat too much or too less. Medical experts describe the drive to eat more during emotional crises as “emotional eating.” On the flip side, you may have a hard time with food when you are stressed out too. Both these issues stem from the improper functioning of your digestive system. Remember we mentioned that stress robs your bodily systems’ energy?


Very Well | A noticeable symptom of stress is change in appetite


You might’ve noticed that when you’re anxious about something, you and everyone around you seem to be on edge. Experts say that the first thing people notice during such times is grumpiness. It’s like your mind’s fuse becomes vulnerable to flipping quickly and unpleasant feelings and reactions come more naturally. So whenever you feel like you would feel better if you exploded on someone, try assessing out the stress-factors in your life.

Read – How to take a break that will help you de-stress for real

Nausea and diarrhea

Being stressed can often make you feel sick. Besides stomach cramps, nausea is a common symptom people experience. What’s more, diarrhea and constipation are symptoms of stress that you may not even realize.

Just like appetite, your bowels can be adversely affected by anxiousness as well. Experts say that the reason behind this is that the body releases hormones to allow more blood flow to vital organs (say your brain, lungs, and heart), and this results in decreased blood flow to the intestine.


She Finds | Stress can mess with your bowels, thus resulting in nausea and even diarrhea

Summing it up

Be it for an approaching deadline, an upcoming event, the ailing health of a family member, or persistent financial troubles, stress is something which everyone goes through at some point in their life. And it can have a huge impact on your health ranging from reduced sleep to headaches to graying of hair.

But the good news is that there are numerous ways to manage it, including talk therapy and meditation. Lifestyle changes like switching to healthy food, going to bed early and regular physical activity can also help you live a stress limited life.

Therefore, if you witness any of the above-mentioned symptoms in your life, you should know that your stress levels are rising. Before things get out of hand, make a conscious effort to stay calm and focus on positive things.

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